National Reconciliation Week 27 May - 3 June 2010 #NRW

Written on 11:18 PM by RadhikaR

As a fairly new arrival to Australia I have an extremely limited knowledge of the indigenous culture of this nation. Nonetheless I recognise that as the First Peoples of this land their signficance and status should be given its due recognition. Sadly this is a country where there is still so much division that the declaration of terra nullius remains the cancerous tumour that has not gone in remission despite the tests.

I know this from the attitudes of those around me, those that somehow think the rightful place of an indigenous is strictly secondary to that of an invading culture.   If you hadn't already established I disagree with this type of thinking.  So even as a 'foreigner' on these shores my Twitter and Facebook accounts will bear the image above as my avatar.  My sentiments will no doubt lose me 'followers' on Twitter - but this is an insignificant consequence compared to not being allowed to give birth in a public hospital because of the colour of your skin.



Posted via web from Radhika's posterous

Childless: How the Most Ambitious Women Choose not to Be Sidetracked by Family

Written on 9:14 AM by RadhikaR

For the first time in history, three women could sit on the Supreme Court. If it happens, two of them will be childless. Whatever the reason for this personal decision by Justice Sonya Sotomayor and recently nominated Elena Kagan, there's a subtle, yet powerful, message being sent to working women across the nation: If you want a perch at the pinnacle of your profession, it's easier without kids.

And not just kids, without husbands. Ever since Kagan was 13 and dressing up in a judge's robe, she has been preparing for this job. From law clerk to Dean of Harvard Law School to Solicitor General, she has been doggedly, diligently riding the legal hamster wheel, checking off boxes and moving ahead toward the ultimate career brass ring. Same holds true for Justice Sonya Sotomayor. But why have they chosen to do it without a family?

Some speculate that there is a fear among ambitious women that they can't rise to a preeminent position if they start a family because of the intense job pressures -- late nights, long trips, the need to be available 24/7. Let's face it, could Justice Sotomayor really schedule car pool from One First Street, N.E.?

This town is littered with examples of women who have given up having a family to advance their law careers. Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice comes to mind. So does a litigator at a high-powered law firm who spends 70 hours a week either on the road or at her desk. Not a lot of time left in that schedule for changing diapers or pushing a stroller in the neighborhood.

Ask any woman who has had the privilege to serve at the Office of the President how long she was able to keep her career together before her family life careened off the rails. Even C.J. Craig, who played Press Secretary and later Chief of Staff in the popular tv series West Wing, was single.

It's easy to turn the lens on my own profession. Uber-star ABC World News Tonight anchor Diane Sawyer, while married to movie producer Mike Nichols, does not have children. And remember Joyce Purnick, who in 1998 caused a stir among reporters at the New York Times for admitting to a commencement audience at her alma mater, Barnard College, that she wouldn't be metropolitan editor if she'd had kids? She said she never decided not to have them, it just happened.

While the pressures for women may be too great at the upper echelons to withstand adding the mommy title to their resume, the incentives also play a role. These high-powered jobs come with perks: proximity to power, financial security, and let's not forget the occasional invitations to the President's box at the Kennedy Center.

But being childless doesn't have to be the only way.

71% of women in the workforce have children ages 6-17. And for the first time in history there are more of us working than men. So why -- with the numbers on our side -- are so many working women climbing the ladder frustrated with the lack of corporate flexibility? Why aren't more companies offering job shares and telecommuting? Why isn't this cacophony of unhappy voices being heard?

The problem lies at the top. Senior corporate executives, predominantly men, with a handful of women who have paid their dues by working 10-12 hour days at the office away from their kids, set the tone and policies for working mothers. If they sat in the cafeteria and listened and watched, they would realize that these mothers, who still bear the brunt of childcare responsibilities, don't need to be at work all week to be productive and plugged in -- thanks in great part to technology.

While some bad apples have tainted "working" from home by underperforming when not in the workplace, the answer is not eschewing flexibility, rather it is incumbent upon corporations to set meaningful performance goals for employees and to hold employees accountable no matter where their desks are.

Flexible work arrangements may not have been possible in 1957 when Sandra Day O'Connor made a choice to stay home for eight years and raise her three children before returning to the workforce in 1965, first as Arizona's assistant attorneys general, and ultimately as the first female Supreme Court Justice. Nor would it have been as easy when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was raising her two children; Jane, born in 1955 and James in 1965.

As a working mother of three (10, 6, and 2), I can vouch for the fact that holding down a full-time corporate job would have been easier without the endless middle-of-the-day doctor appointments, teacher conferences, and "Mom have you seen my soccer cleats?" phone calls. But it was doable thanks to my BlackBerry.

Of my four best female friends in Washington, three are lawyers, one is a business woman. All are or have been at the upper echelons of their professions. All of us have two or more children. We do it. We juggle conference calls and crying babies, we tuck in kids before going out on a weeknight to business dinners; we schedule time to look at email while on vacation. And while my friends and I are making it work, we'd all tell you it takes a toll on your health, and your sanity.

Recently, I traded in 60-minute daily commutes and 10- 12-hour days in an office building for the flexibility of owning my own company and setting my own hours. I've never been happier. But not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.

I know many women who struggle each day to find the elusive balance between work and family. If being childless is not an option for you, it's time to raise your voices, demand flexibility in your workplace and show the world that yes, you can work full-time and be productive members of a corporation without being chained to a desk just because that's the way it's always been done.

Lauren Ashburn is President of Ashburn Media Company in Washington, DCand worked as a Managing Editor for the Gannett Company for ten years.

At a time in my life where I am facing this question - am in awe of women that manage to do it and am torn over whether I can too without detriment to my children. How have you done it my beautiful sisters?

Posted via web from Radhika's posterous

An Attitude of Gratitude

Written on 4:58 PM by RadhikaR

Its Mothers Day today, the day that we celebrate that we were brought into this world by marvellous creatures, and equally had our lives shaped by a collection of striking influences who form the collective “mother”.  

Fundamentally we set aside the day to truly embrace the powerful state of gratitude.

After a big week this week I was delighted to end it on a pleasant note and one that caused me to reflect on one of my favourite values – gratitude.

  Image from 

It started with a training session for one of the graduates in our company.  A young woman, fairly recently out of university and embarking on her career.  We experience a few hiccups during the session but with good humour & grace we managed to plod along and I got to know her a little better. She will soon be joining our area on her next rotation so it was nice to get a little “advance screening” of the new team member.

A couple of hours later I received a Rewards Value recognition (a scheme recognising employees for living the company values as nominated by their peers) for Team Work.  It was an official way of saying “thank you” (registering with HR and your manager) so it was truly kind deed on her part.

I acknowledged the gesture and sent her a ‘thank you’ email letting her know how much I appreciated it.  Within minutes and like a true kindred spirit she wrote back:

You can’t say thank you for me saying thank you! Hehe.. you’re more than welcome, I really do appreciate the time you had put aside to help me (and also others). You’re just wonderful, have a great weekend J

This gorgeous wee girl (that’s a little joke cos’ she’s about 6 foot!) had no idea how much joy she filled me with!  Barely out of grad school, she left me in little of doubt of how far she would go in this world because she embodies “an attitude of gratitude”.

Saying ‘thank you’ is a personally fulfilling exercise for me and I would even go so far to say that it does more for me than perhaps even the recipient! To be on the receiving end of a ‘thank you’ is also a wonderful place to be.

A few hours later I was reminded again that being recognised is just as rewarding no matter what station we have in life, how great our successes, or how esteemed our careers. Catherine White (aka @DivineMissWhite) posted a message on Twitter expressing her gratitude for posting an excerpt from her blog post which had struck a chord with me. In fact this is one of the great things about Twitter as a medium and the fact that it attracts more than its share of very self aware people. Gratitude is expressed openly in this forum and it’s a blessing that it is.

So while the sun goes down on this weekend and you’re preparing for the week ahead I hope you decide to wear an “attitude of gratitude”. I doubt you will be disappointed with the results.

Customer Service Buzz » Can Staff Retention Be Bought?

Written on 4:39 PM by RadhikaR

Call Center RepBig revenues and the CEO’s upcoming book release are winning Zappos loads of public press. Zappos doesn’t approach customer service like most organizations. In fact, the company makes it publically clear they have a culture that qualifies as more than just little bit quirky.

One of Zappos’s core principles is to promote employee and customer happiness. Of note on the employee side: Zappos values happy employees so much that at the end of new-hire training, trainees are offered $2,000 to quit.

Now, while offering $2K for new-hires to leave seems ridiculous and is likely unfeasible for most companies, the goal is noble. The program is designed to save the company money by getting rid of folks who won’t thrive and will likely leave soon anyways. In other words, it zeroes in on the importance of staff retention. And the costs you incur when unhappy employees leave aren’t just what you spent on training them.

CCC finds the frontline staff performance benefits of rep retention far outweigh the benefits of hiring for rep attributes indicating a high initial performance. In fact, the performance lift from just an additional six months of tenure is 2.6%, compared to a 0.2% lift from previous service organization experience.

On the flip side, poor engagement can cripple a service organization. It leads to early attrition and higher recruiting and training costs. Even worse, CCC data has found disengaged employees exert 63% less discretionary effort. In other words, disengaged employees do the bare minimum to get by – leading to less productivity and a lower service experience.

So how do we dodge poor engagement? Below are some tips to better engage your staff, based on the top three most important things to drive rep engagement:

  1. A visible career path – Creating transparent advancement opportunities for staff boosts engagement. We’ve seen companies get creative to make more opportunities available, even just on a rotational basis. Leading companies also lay out a clear career path for reps so they know what tangible next steps they need to take to advance.
  2. Staff motivation – An environment where reps believe in what they do leads to rep engagement. Companies have focused on communication and inclusion so reps can see how their work fits into larger organizational goals.
  3. Coaching effectiveness – High-quality coaching is crucial to retaining reps. Simply having a coaching program isn’t enough – poor coaching actually degrades performance and engagement. For CCC members, we’ve taken an in-depth look at what a high-quality coaching system entails.

These are just a few examples of engagement techniques, and are by no means a complete list.  Help me add to it – what’s your favorite way to engage your frontline?

CCC Members, check out our Employee Engagement Portal where you can see how other organizations tackle the top drivers of retention and get involved in our Employee Engagement Pulse Survey. You’ll see how Dow Chemical communicates advancements opportunities and Cadence Design Systems boosts staff motivation through job rotations.

Zappos have in many ways challenged traditional ways of doing business for a long while. The approach is novel and yet addresses the issues head on. Would you consider implementing a similar program in your business? How are you measuring staff retention.

Having worked in organisations that have not invested in this area I am more likely NOT to recommend them to colleagues or business contacts as prospective employers or even as organisations to do business with period. How do you measure the cumulative impact of that sentiment?

Posted via web from Radhika's posterous

Sunday, May 23, 2010

National Reconciliation Week 27 May - 3 June 2010 #NRW

As a fairly new arrival to Australia I have an extremely limited knowledge of the indigenous culture of this nation. Nonetheless I recognise that as the First Peoples of this land their signficance and status should be given its due recognition. Sadly this is a country where there is still so much division that the declaration of terra nullius remains the cancerous tumour that has not gone in remission despite the tests.

I know this from the attitudes of those around me, those that somehow think the rightful place of an indigenous is strictly secondary to that of an invading culture.   If you hadn't already established I disagree with this type of thinking.  So even as a 'foreigner' on these shores my Twitter and Facebook accounts will bear the image above as my avatar.  My sentiments will no doubt lose me 'followers' on Twitter - but this is an insignificant consequence compared to not being allowed to give birth in a public hospital because of the colour of your skin.



Posted via web from Radhika's posterous

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Childless: How the Most Ambitious Women Choose not to Be Sidetracked by Family

For the first time in history, three women could sit on the Supreme Court. If it happens, two of them will be childless. Whatever the reason for this personal decision by Justice Sonya Sotomayor and recently nominated Elena Kagan, there's a subtle, yet powerful, message being sent to working women across the nation: If you want a perch at the pinnacle of your profession, it's easier without kids.

And not just kids, without husbands. Ever since Kagan was 13 and dressing up in a judge's robe, she has been preparing for this job. From law clerk to Dean of Harvard Law School to Solicitor General, she has been doggedly, diligently riding the legal hamster wheel, checking off boxes and moving ahead toward the ultimate career brass ring. Same holds true for Justice Sonya Sotomayor. But why have they chosen to do it without a family?

Some speculate that there is a fear among ambitious women that they can't rise to a preeminent position if they start a family because of the intense job pressures -- late nights, long trips, the need to be available 24/7. Let's face it, could Justice Sotomayor really schedule car pool from One First Street, N.E.?

This town is littered with examples of women who have given up having a family to advance their law careers. Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice comes to mind. So does a litigator at a high-powered law firm who spends 70 hours a week either on the road or at her desk. Not a lot of time left in that schedule for changing diapers or pushing a stroller in the neighborhood.

Ask any woman who has had the privilege to serve at the Office of the President how long she was able to keep her career together before her family life careened off the rails. Even C.J. Craig, who played Press Secretary and later Chief of Staff in the popular tv series West Wing, was single.

It's easy to turn the lens on my own profession. Uber-star ABC World News Tonight anchor Diane Sawyer, while married to movie producer Mike Nichols, does not have children. And remember Joyce Purnick, who in 1998 caused a stir among reporters at the New York Times for admitting to a commencement audience at her alma mater, Barnard College, that she wouldn't be metropolitan editor if she'd had kids? She said she never decided not to have them, it just happened.

While the pressures for women may be too great at the upper echelons to withstand adding the mommy title to their resume, the incentives also play a role. These high-powered jobs come with perks: proximity to power, financial security, and let's not forget the occasional invitations to the President's box at the Kennedy Center.

But being childless doesn't have to be the only way.

71% of women in the workforce have children ages 6-17. And for the first time in history there are more of us working than men. So why -- with the numbers on our side -- are so many working women climbing the ladder frustrated with the lack of corporate flexibility? Why aren't more companies offering job shares and telecommuting? Why isn't this cacophony of unhappy voices being heard?

The problem lies at the top. Senior corporate executives, predominantly men, with a handful of women who have paid their dues by working 10-12 hour days at the office away from their kids, set the tone and policies for working mothers. If they sat in the cafeteria and listened and watched, they would realize that these mothers, who still bear the brunt of childcare responsibilities, don't need to be at work all week to be productive and plugged in -- thanks in great part to technology.

While some bad apples have tainted "working" from home by underperforming when not in the workplace, the answer is not eschewing flexibility, rather it is incumbent upon corporations to set meaningful performance goals for employees and to hold employees accountable no matter where their desks are.

Flexible work arrangements may not have been possible in 1957 when Sandra Day O'Connor made a choice to stay home for eight years and raise her three children before returning to the workforce in 1965, first as Arizona's assistant attorneys general, and ultimately as the first female Supreme Court Justice. Nor would it have been as easy when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was raising her two children; Jane, born in 1955 and James in 1965.

As a working mother of three (10, 6, and 2), I can vouch for the fact that holding down a full-time corporate job would have been easier without the endless middle-of-the-day doctor appointments, teacher conferences, and "Mom have you seen my soccer cleats?" phone calls. But it was doable thanks to my BlackBerry.

Of my four best female friends in Washington, three are lawyers, one is a business woman. All are or have been at the upper echelons of their professions. All of us have two or more children. We do it. We juggle conference calls and crying babies, we tuck in kids before going out on a weeknight to business dinners; we schedule time to look at email while on vacation. And while my friends and I are making it work, we'd all tell you it takes a toll on your health, and your sanity.

Recently, I traded in 60-minute daily commutes and 10- 12-hour days in an office building for the flexibility of owning my own company and setting my own hours. I've never been happier. But not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.

I know many women who struggle each day to find the elusive balance between work and family. If being childless is not an option for you, it's time to raise your voices, demand flexibility in your workplace and show the world that yes, you can work full-time and be productive members of a corporation without being chained to a desk just because that's the way it's always been done.

Lauren Ashburn is President of Ashburn Media Company in Washington, DCand worked as a Managing Editor for the Gannett Company for ten years.

At a time in my life where I am facing this question - am in awe of women that manage to do it and am torn over whether I can too without detriment to my children. How have you done it my beautiful sisters?

Posted via web from Radhika's posterous

Sunday, May 9, 2010

An Attitude of Gratitude

Its Mothers Day today, the day that we celebrate that we were brought into this world by marvellous creatures, and equally had our lives shaped by a collection of striking influences who form the collective “mother”.  

Fundamentally we set aside the day to truly embrace the powerful state of gratitude.

After a big week this week I was delighted to end it on a pleasant note and one that caused me to reflect on one of my favourite values – gratitude.

  Image from 

It started with a training session for one of the graduates in our company.  A young woman, fairly recently out of university and embarking on her career.  We experience a few hiccups during the session but with good humour & grace we managed to plod along and I got to know her a little better. She will soon be joining our area on her next rotation so it was nice to get a little “advance screening” of the new team member.

A couple of hours later I received a Rewards Value recognition (a scheme recognising employees for living the company values as nominated by their peers) for Team Work.  It was an official way of saying “thank you” (registering with HR and your manager) so it was truly kind deed on her part.

I acknowledged the gesture and sent her a ‘thank you’ email letting her know how much I appreciated it.  Within minutes and like a true kindred spirit she wrote back:

You can’t say thank you for me saying thank you! Hehe.. you’re more than welcome, I really do appreciate the time you had put aside to help me (and also others). You’re just wonderful, have a great weekend J

This gorgeous wee girl (that’s a little joke cos’ she’s about 6 foot!) had no idea how much joy she filled me with!  Barely out of grad school, she left me in little of doubt of how far she would go in this world because she embodies “an attitude of gratitude”.

Saying ‘thank you’ is a personally fulfilling exercise for me and I would even go so far to say that it does more for me than perhaps even the recipient! To be on the receiving end of a ‘thank you’ is also a wonderful place to be.

A few hours later I was reminded again that being recognised is just as rewarding no matter what station we have in life, how great our successes, or how esteemed our careers. Catherine White (aka @DivineMissWhite) posted a message on Twitter expressing her gratitude for posting an excerpt from her blog post which had struck a chord with me. In fact this is one of the great things about Twitter as a medium and the fact that it attracts more than its share of very self aware people. Gratitude is expressed openly in this forum and it’s a blessing that it is.

So while the sun goes down on this weekend and you’re preparing for the week ahead I hope you decide to wear an “attitude of gratitude”. I doubt you will be disappointed with the results.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Customer Service Buzz » Can Staff Retention Be Bought?

Call Center RepBig revenues and the CEO’s upcoming book release are winning Zappos loads of public press. Zappos doesn’t approach customer service like most organizations. In fact, the company makes it publically clear they have a culture that qualifies as more than just little bit quirky.

One of Zappos’s core principles is to promote employee and customer happiness. Of note on the employee side: Zappos values happy employees so much that at the end of new-hire training, trainees are offered $2,000 to quit.

Now, while offering $2K for new-hires to leave seems ridiculous and is likely unfeasible for most companies, the goal is noble. The program is designed to save the company money by getting rid of folks who won’t thrive and will likely leave soon anyways. In other words, it zeroes in on the importance of staff retention. And the costs you incur when unhappy employees leave aren’t just what you spent on training them.

CCC finds the frontline staff performance benefits of rep retention far outweigh the benefits of hiring for rep attributes indicating a high initial performance. In fact, the performance lift from just an additional six months of tenure is 2.6%, compared to a 0.2% lift from previous service organization experience.

On the flip side, poor engagement can cripple a service organization. It leads to early attrition and higher recruiting and training costs. Even worse, CCC data has found disengaged employees exert 63% less discretionary effort. In other words, disengaged employees do the bare minimum to get by – leading to less productivity and a lower service experience.

So how do we dodge poor engagement? Below are some tips to better engage your staff, based on the top three most important things to drive rep engagement:

  1. A visible career path – Creating transparent advancement opportunities for staff boosts engagement. We’ve seen companies get creative to make more opportunities available, even just on a rotational basis. Leading companies also lay out a clear career path for reps so they know what tangible next steps they need to take to advance.
  2. Staff motivation – An environment where reps believe in what they do leads to rep engagement. Companies have focused on communication and inclusion so reps can see how their work fits into larger organizational goals.
  3. Coaching effectiveness – High-quality coaching is crucial to retaining reps. Simply having a coaching program isn’t enough – poor coaching actually degrades performance and engagement. For CCC members, we’ve taken an in-depth look at what a high-quality coaching system entails.

These are just a few examples of engagement techniques, and are by no means a complete list.  Help me add to it – what’s your favorite way to engage your frontline?

CCC Members, check out our Employee Engagement Portal where you can see how other organizations tackle the top drivers of retention and get involved in our Employee Engagement Pulse Survey. You’ll see how Dow Chemical communicates advancements opportunities and Cadence Design Systems boosts staff motivation through job rotations.

Zappos have in many ways challenged traditional ways of doing business for a long while. The approach is novel and yet addresses the issues head on. Would you consider implementing a similar program in your business? How are you measuring staff retention.

Having worked in organisations that have not invested in this area I am more likely NOT to recommend them to colleagues or business contacts as prospective employers or even as organisations to do business with period. How do you measure the cumulative impact of that sentiment?

Posted via web from Radhika's posterous